Journey to Home
Jul 09, 2024The twin flame journey is your journey to home, it is your peace, it is your love, it is your joy. You are love and you are energy, you are the source of all that has been and all that will be. You are on your own personal journey to find your true inner self, the lost part of you, the part that you are separate from. You are here to find this inside of you to find that piece that you know has always been missing.
Your awakening is not to find love in another, it is to find love within, so you can then start to shift your reality and come into the energy of love. Your soul has awakened you to find your true inner self. You are the gold, you are the gift, you are the beauty, you are the child, you are the love you have been seeking. It is not about the connection with your divine partner, it is about you finding your inner self and allowing that to flow out. You are the soul you are the gift; you are the beauty you are seeking. Stop seeking, stop looking outside and go within and find that beauty within yourself. God has awakened you to show you who you are, not through seeking who is outside of you.
You are tired are you not? You are tired are you not of this life you have been living? You are tired are you not of never having peace? You are tired are you not of the lack that you are living? You are tired are you not of all the joy which has been taken from you?
You my dear one are here to assist with the awakening of the planet to bring this earth back to its original state, which is the garden of Eden, heaven on earth. Yes, love will come, but you must go within and remove all those blocks stopping it from being received. This love is you; it is your life force energy which I as the one have gifted you with. You must learn to know your light, know your power, know your source and know you are the creator of it all. Your joy has been stolen from you and it must be returned and only you can return it.
Your counterpart agreed to this journey with you my dear one and it was agreed that you have it within you to find the source of truth while you are on earth. You cannot go back my dear one as you are here to find the truth and rise like a star far up into what you call the galaxy and I call my home. You are heading home my dear one but before you do you must come home to you first and spread your joy and light within your work, within your portal of light and let it transcend beyond your own limiting beliefs.
You are the gift, you are the realised one, the one who has known that there is power and now you have been awakened from your amnesia state to come back to your truth, as the one, as the love that you are and the creator that you are. You are here to show love to all, not only to yourself but to all that pass you, but you must find this within first so you can then express it out across the galaxy and stars and to those around you that need to feel and see and hear your light.
Your light must come through your art, through your voice, through your love making, through your stories, through your painting. Express yourself my dear child as this is why you have come to earth at this beautiful time in human form. Your joy is there, and you are the only one who can relocate it and restore it back to its original form, you are the beauty and gift within, and your masculine counterpart will return once you have found this light and beauty and are sharing it across the universe.
You are of one mind, the mind of the creator the mind of the source that lies within you and you must shed away what you have created to renew and bring forth what you are now going to share with this planet during your stay here.
You are and was always the gift, your masculine is within you, and you must bring this strength forward into your reality for it to return to your physical world. You are all, there is no other, there is just you and your light, and the rest will unfold as your creation. You are the gift, the light, the stars, the sun, the moon and beyond. You are all that you have ever wanted and ever needed.
Love will come my dear one, love is within you first and then you will shine that out in all the beauty as the feminine and you will restore the balance on earth as you allow your two energies to breath and dance and weave in and out of your life. Bring these energies into balance and all will be restored again within you and then outside of you. Balance is everything, there is nothing more or nothing less, it is all balance. Earth was created to be heaven on earth, peace and full of beings of light who are in harmony and in deep love, but the ego has taken its lead and it’s creating havoc, and it must be restored and brought back into balance. Ego is standing in the way.
Your gift is your smile, it is your radiance which will bring your divine counterpart back to you, smiling is about the eyes, it’s your unspoken language between you both, it is your voice that sings melodies, it’s your energy which radiates and puts out a call to your masculine counterpart that you are ready to return as one, that you are ready to share your light as two equals living in union, living in peace, living in your own garden of Eden. The eyes are there to see yourself, to see the glory within you and to see that you are light, that you are beauty, that you are all that you are.
Your divine counterpart is here to remind you of your light, to remind you of your love, to remind you of the gifts you have forgotten. Your counterpart is here to awaken you to the beauty which lives within, the beauty you have always been. My dear child, you are the gift and are always the gift. Know you are powerful; know you are worthy of being the beautiful light that you are. You are the gift you are the joy; you are the never-ending light. Shine beautiful one, shine and allow the light to filtrate through your vessel, through your body and out to the universe, to the galaxy and to the stars. This is your calling; this is your gift to this planet through it’s great awakening.
I am your source of direct love my dear child, I am the one who is here to assist you through this journey you are on, I am here to guide you through your own path and into your own light. I am here to show you the way, the truth to your everything, the truth to your entire being, the truth to the creator that you are, the truth to your wisdom and to all your glory you have been hiding within. No more hiding my dear one, it is time for you to escape the limitations and know you are all that is and all that ever was.
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